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The official BAMIN video is online

We are proud to announce that the official video of BAMIN (the Balkan Asset Management Interagency Network) has been published online. The video presents BAMIN’s most significant yearly event, the Annual General Meeting, the first held in person since 2020. This was the first held in person since 2020.
BAMIN aims at enhancing the effectiveness of the management and sale or disposal of seized and confiscated criminal benefits. BAMIN members’ main objective is to improve cross-border and interagency operational cooperation and improve information exchange.

Since its creation, BAMIN has managed to achieve significant results in the field of asset management, with the support of the OSCE which is funding the network since 2020.
Among notable strategic event is the AGM in Tirana, Albania, during which the participants had the chance to discuss and renew collaboration efforts, exchange information and focus on specific asset management cases.

Watch the video now: