OSCE confirmed its support to the ExB Project 1102457 “Strengthening Asset Recovery Efforts in the OSCE Region”. The project will provide support in the implementation and management of the BAMIN Network – Balkan Asset Management Interagency Network – including capacity building activities and support to strategic and operational activities.
The first activity delivered was the BAMIN Steering Group Meeting (SGM) which took place on the 30th and 31st of May in Chisinau, Moldova, at the National Anti-Corruption Centre. The SGM marked the officialization of the new Presidency of the network hosted by Moldova, with a Steering Group currently comprising Moldova, Montenegro, and Croatia. As per the BAMIN Manual, the BAMIN presidency will host the BAMIN Annual General Meeting.
The SGM was opened by Mr. Iulian Rusu, Director of National Anti-Corruption Commission, Moldova, Mr. Pavel Calpajiu, Head of the Criminal Asset Management Unit, Mr. Blagota Tatar representing the previous presidency and the BAMIN Secretariat from Montenegro and Ms. Jill Thomas representing the BAMIN Secretariat. BAMIN also welcomed a new member to the Secretariat, Ms. Maria Illetterati. The Secretariat currently comprises Ms. Jill Thomas, Mr. Andrea D’Angelo, Mr. Alessandro D’Autillio and Ms. Maria Illetterati.
Steering Group Members discussed the importance of BAMIN as an operational network as well as the upcoming activities to be undertaken during the 33 months project.
You can read the National Anticorruption Center (NAC) Press Release here.